Saturday, December 5, 2009

New political action for those with developmental disabilities

This week, I was handed a flyer by my niece, heretofore far removed from anything remotely connected with "politics", who, in spite of voice fears of possible repercussions, is, along with others in her sector which focusses on providing supports for those with developmental disabilities. I pass the content along in a spirit of solidarity and as an example of yet another cohort of people in this province who are being moved to action by the decisions being made on our behalf provincially.

" BAKE SALE" To raise $3,000,000 to replace government cuts to essential services for people with developmental disabilities. CRITICAL INGREDIENT$ CUT-A RECIPE FOR DISASTER!!!

NOT A LAUGHING MATTER. Join us at the rally with pots n' pans and all things noisy to raise awareness about cuts to service. Wednesday, December 9th at the McDougall Center, Calgary. 12 noon-1:00pm."

The other sad thing about this story is that those (everyday, politically uninvolved, hard working, lifelong Albertans) she was telling about their pending actions urged caution and non-participation on her part, lest she or her organization fall prey to "repercussions". And further, why put oneself at risk when the MLA's "never listen to the people anyway".

ReBoot Alberta- more proof positive from the day to day lives of people in Alberta that our current systems are not working.


  1. Thank you Gloria for your post about this. There is an old saying that a Civilization is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens. Don't think we are doing very well right.

  2. I found it interesting that on Nov 18th edition of Alberta Hansard that the Minister responsible for PDD said that the eligability requirments for PDD has not changed. She is wrong, Gov't made it harder to qualify for support than ever before. Check it out at see page 9 of the pdf document.

  3. And for those w/dd under 18, the province doesn't seem to monitor (except for self-congratulatory "parent satisfaction" polls) that these children and actually INCLUDED with non-disabled peers and receive MEANINGFUL educational content.
